Piano, Horn, Opera Recitals by World Class Artists; Plus Some More Cool Indian Music (retitled)
There are some things that I left out of my most recent local events post that I need to list here. And just to clarify, if I don't mention something, it's because I don't know anything about it. Even scanning the few calendars to which I have easy access takes time, and my 5-year-old, 3-year-old and 20-month-old bosses at my full-time job frown upon any divergence from the priorities they have set for me.
Because it's my thing, I'll mention again today's (4/21) lunch music performance at the museum, 12-1. It's a percussion recital, and, though I have been in close e-mail contact with one of the members to work out logistics, I just last night noticed that this group will be doing another performance tonight with the Opelika High School percussion ensemble (Really? A high school has a percussion ensemble? Did you know OHS also offers a guitar class?). Here's the event page.
And, once again, you have to go to the Munch event today (4/21) at 5:00 at the museum. Click here for the post. 'Nuff said. Let me know how cool it was because I can't go.
Ok, and I'm writing this, and Andy calls me from the museum, and he happens to mention an opera event tomorrow night (4/22) at 5:00 PM that is sold out. It's called Masters of Melody, and performing will be pianist David Goldberger and baritone Carl Ratner. More info is here, so touch base with them to see if there's a waiting list for tickets. The performers' credits are impressive. It's a they-just-happened-to-be-in-town thing.
Anyway, after all of that, the main reason for this extra post is to mention pianist Henning Vauth's faculty recital Monday night (4/25), 7:30 PM, at Goodwin Hall (AU event page). It will be good. He's a world class pianist, as is Jeremy Samolesky, who will be accompanying Bill Shaffer, AU's horn professor, for another faculty recital Tuesday night (4/26) at 7:30, Goodwin Hall (event page).
And the Auburn Indian Music Ensemble will perform a free concert again (they were at the museum last week) at Goodwin Hall next Wednesday night (4/27) at 6:00 PM (event page). These are regular AU students, non-music majors, learning about the genre from someone with great enthusiasm and knowledge about it. I enjoyed it and recommend this performance.
Because it's my thing, I'll mention again today's (4/21) lunch music performance at the museum, 12-1. It's a percussion recital, and, though I have been in close e-mail contact with one of the members to work out logistics, I just last night noticed that this group will be doing another performance tonight with the Opelika High School percussion ensemble (Really? A high school has a percussion ensemble? Did you know OHS also offers a guitar class?). Here's the event page.
And, once again, you have to go to the Munch event today (4/21) at 5:00 at the museum. Click here for the post. 'Nuff said. Let me know how cool it was because I can't go.
Ok, and I'm writing this, and Andy calls me from the museum, and he happens to mention an opera event tomorrow night (4/22) at 5:00 PM that is sold out. It's called Masters of Melody, and performing will be pianist David Goldberger and baritone Carl Ratner. More info is here, so touch base with them to see if there's a waiting list for tickets. The performers' credits are impressive. It's a they-just-happened-to-be-in-town thing.
Anyway, after all of that, the main reason for this extra post is to mention pianist Henning Vauth's faculty recital Monday night (4/25), 7:30 PM, at Goodwin Hall (AU event page). It will be good. He's a world class pianist, as is Jeremy Samolesky, who will be accompanying Bill Shaffer, AU's horn professor, for another faculty recital Tuesday night (4/26) at 7:30, Goodwin Hall (event page).
And the Auburn Indian Music Ensemble will perform a free concert again (they were at the museum last week) at Goodwin Hall next Wednesday night (4/27) at 6:00 PM (event page). These are regular AU students, non-music majors, learning about the genre from someone with great enthusiasm and knowledge about it. I enjoyed it and recommend this performance.
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