Sundilla Presents Tokyo Rosenthal Friday, 9/20/2013

The Sundilla Acoustic Concert Series is presenting Tokyo Rosenthal on Friday, September 20, 2013, at 7:30 PM at the Auburn Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. The address is 450 E. Thach Avenue, Auburn. Admission is $12 at the door and $10 in advance at Mama Mocha's Coffee, Spicer's Music, and on the series' website,

Rosenthal's lyrics are sometimes storytelling and sometimes political, and seem to have a common thread of being inspired by struggle. His voice reminds me of Roy Orbison's, and his honest craft keeps true to the time-honored tradition of rabble-rousing American folk musicians. His song, "Love Won Out," a great blues with a strong hook, deals with gay marriage and is a good example of this. UPDATE (9/18/2013): I stumbled on this tweet and followed it through to Italian guitarist Manguss's ReverbNation page. Looks like he'll be supporting Rosenthal Friday night.

Below is the beginning of a post about Rosenthal on Sundilla's website. There's a link for the rest of it. While on the site, read singer Dan Navarro's case for support. The series is unique, not only to our area, but also to those who perform for it. Like the art music I usually write about, most of Sundilla's performers are dedicated to the sound and preservation of a particular genre of music, in this case folk, though not always that, specifically. Artistically, Sundilla is an institution worth whatever we can do to make it stronger.


“Rosenthal can draw you into his lyrics much the same way that James Taylor and Don Henley can”.

“Take Jackson Browne’s personal confessions and wrap them in Kris Kristofferson’s world weary tales of broken relationships and you have an idea of what to expect from Tokyo Rosenthal.”

“This is Americana with real teeth in the lyrics.”

This and more is what the critics are saying about Tokyo Rosenthal. But it wasn’t an overnight trip. Hardly, as “Toke” has spanned the music scene for three decades. But it was in 2007 when recognition finally reached him through the recording of his CD, ”One Score And Ten”. Read more...


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