Weather Forces Cancellation for AU, A Little Lunch Music 30-Jan-2014

William Ransom (from Lynwood Jordan's YouTube channel)
The Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Art is owned and operated by Auburn University which has cancelled normal operations for Thursday, January 30, 2014. AU News Alert page is at We will reschedule pianist Tzu-yi Chen, a favorite of the series, and will get that word out as soon as possible.

Lunch Music and Auburn Chamber Music Society Sharing Ransom and Vega

Vega Quartet performs with pianist William
Ransom Thursday night, 2/6/14. Violist
Yinzi Kong (far left) performs with Ransom
the same day at noon for A Little Lunch
Do make plans on coming to A Little Lunch Music's free concert next week (6-Feb-2014) at noon, as we will have Emory University faculty pianist William Ransom and Vega Quartet's violist Yinzi Kong performing as soloists and together.

The amateur video embedded at top is of Ransom performing Chopin.

That same night at 7:30 PM, Vega (websiteFBS) and Ransom will do music for piano quintet and string quartet at Goodwin Hall as part of the Auburn Chamber Music Society's series. The evening concert is a ticketed event. Relevant links again: AU music calendar event page / ACMS 2013-14 brochure


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