Sax Quartets, Jazz at the Musuem (Expires 4/3/2014)

Below is from an e-mail update I sent out tonight. To get on my e-mail list and avoid missing an update in case I forget to post it here, click this link and fill out the form.

Saxophone Quartets Performing for Lunch Music 3/20

Thursday (3/20) three sax quartets from the AU sax studio will perform a free concert at noon for A Little Lunch Music. There's an interesting (*I* think) post about that on the museum's blog at this link: Auburn Students Bring Saxophone Quartet Music to A Little Lunch Music. For those interested in saxophones, ragtime, Gershwin, 20th-century music and a little percussion, you should come out. For others, consider that last sentence to be your "Abandon hope, all ye who enter here" sign. The café will be open from 11-2.

Next Thursday, 3/27, Duo Amico will perform. Read their impressive bios on the schedule page for A Little Lunch Music.

Fine Tuning Weekly Jazz at Museum

As I mentioned last week, the weekly jazz continues at the museum. This (3/20) being the third Thursday, jazz will be in the lobby from 6-7, with the Third Thursday Poetry Series (JCSM Welcomes Poetry Series) meeting from 7-8. And integrating new programming into an established system can cause some blips. One of which is that both jazz and café will be unavailable after hours on March 27 due to a long-standing private reservation of the space.

So the upcoming after-hours jazz at the museum is...
  • Dan Mackowski (guitar) and Sam Altonji (bass) on 3/20. Some press reports included me, but I have an conflicting gig that day.
  • Closed on 3/27
  • Dan, Jason DeBlanc (bass) and myself starting April 3, and that should be the personnel throughout April


 That's All I Have

There's more going on, but I can't get to it right now. My Event Sources page will help you find it.


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