I Recorded Some Interviews / Improvised Music Coming to the Museum

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Just sent off the news release to the museum for this week's A Little Lunch Music concert (1/21/16) by Chicago improvised-music group, The Few. Last week, after a New-Year's-Resolution style commitment to buckle down and catch up on home projects, I decided to do my first-ever video interview of the two improvising groups that are on the schedule this season. That turned into two separate interviews, due to Steve Marquette's bad cold, one which ended up with a ton of problems and became an audio interview.

Both of course involved post production. I am not quite a noob with regard to video and audio editing. After a handful of projects in recent years, I think I can upgrade myself to a hack. It takes a fair amount of time for a hack to produce something decent, but I think what I ended up with is ok.

I did fortunately make some progress on the home-front, and got some experience with recorded interviewing and subsequent editing. I like it. Maybe too much. I have done a bunch of it for written articles, but it's a different thing altogether to record it for public consumption.

This week's audio interview of Steve Marquette is above. If it's not there, comment on this post. I may have had to fix something and repost. Come to the show Thursday. Eat your vegetables. Or don't. It's in the interview.

The video I did of the other improviser, trombonist Jeff Albert, is at this link. He'll be in Auburn with drummer Dave Capello for A Little Lunch Music and some other things on 2/11/16.
