January 2018 Week 1 Music Events ~ Springer Theatre Added to Top 25

Springer Theatre in Columbus, GA
Photo used without permission, but I'm asking.

One month out from the first week of January (Monday through Sunday, Jan 1-7, 2018), and I can only find two promoted events from our list of Top-25 venues. While scanning, however, I found several new ones for the upcoming (at post time) four weeks of December, including musicals at the Springer Theatre.

December Week 1 // December Week 2 // December Week 3 // December Week 4

I think I will have to add Springer to the Top-25 List, which means I'll have to remove one, so let's go with the Alabama Symphony Orchestra. That's tough because it's Alabama's only professional Orchestra, but it's farther away than Atlanta, and we have orchestras in LaGrange, Montgomery, and Columbus that are closer, though not at ASO's level. I'm on their media e-mail list, though. If I see anything special, I'll include it.

As usual, I'll update this post as I learn of events. -PMc




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