Week 3, January 2018 Music Events - Adding Eighth & Rail to Top 25

I went ahead and added Opelika's Eighth & Rail to my Top 25 venues/presenters. Owner and musician Mike Patterson has been booking a terrific variety of bands there for a long time. I shy away from venues that use only Facebook for promotion because it's not as accessible as a free-standing website, but they use it very well.
I'm removing Cottonseed Studios, not because they don't bring in top-shelf groups, but because the website is pretty static. They make good use of the tourism site, and I'll bring over their events from there. -PMc
- Jan. 16 :: Auburn University Presents Patience Essah Africana Studies Lecture: African American Covers of Country Music BEFORE Ray Charles: Prevalence and Significance http://www.cla.auburn.edu/events/calendar/patience-essah-africana-studies-lecture-african-american-covers-of-country-music-before-ray-charles-prevalence-and-significance/
- Jan. 18 :: soprano Melanie Williams with guitarist Alan Goldspiel at the Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Art (no link at post time)
- Jan. 18 :: Auburn University Music Faculty Showcase (no event link yet http://www.cla.auburn.edu/music/events/)
- Jan. 18 :: Kenny on the Keys at Piccolo, Auburn University Hotel and Dixon Conference Center's lounge https://www.auhcc.com/about/auburn-event-calendar
- Jan. 19 :: Auburn University presents pianist Tzu-yi Chen in concert (no event link yet http://www.cla.auburn.edu/music/events/) highlighted here: https://townievoice.blogspot.com/2018/01/acclaimed-pianist-returning-to-auburn.html
- Jan. 19 :: Muse at Eighth & Rail https://www.facebook.com/events/182082185539428/
- Jan. 19 :: Sundilla presents Dan Navarro http://www.sundillamusic.com/calendar/
- Jan. 20 :: Auburn Arts Association "Celebration!" ft. The Electric Rangers https://auburnartsassociation.org
- Jan. 20 ::
Poverty Level BandMatt Cain at Eighth & Rail https://www.facebook.com/events/145679712759785/
- Jan. 19 :: Annual Gospel Music Concert feat. the Tuskegee University Golden Voices Choir http://www.trumba.com/calendars/tuskegee-university-events#/?i=1
- Jan. 21 :: TU presents Dramatic Musical entitled "Seven" http://www.trumba.com/calendars/tuskegee-university-events#/?i=1
- Jan. 17 :: The Metropolitan Opera Presents "The Opera House" documentary at the Ritz 13 https://www.fathomevents.com/events/the-opera-house?date=2018-01-17%2000:00:00.000
- Jan. 19, 21 :: Opera: La Finta Giardiniera by W.A. Mozart at RiverCenter, presented by CSU's Schwob School of Music https://events.columbusstate.edu/calendar/opera-performance-la-finta-giardiniera/
- Jan. 20 :: The Columbus Symphony Orchestra presents Unusual Percussion & A Little “Rach” http://csoga.org/season/
- Jan. 20 :: The Brown Goose Band at The Loft https://www.theloft.com/new-events/2017/9/30/the-brown-goose-band-jzyc9
- Jan. 21 :: Schwob School of Music presents Faculty Recital: Guitar and Friends https://events.columbusstate.edu/calendar/faculty-recital-guitar-and-friends/
- Jan. 17 :: The Metropolitan Opera Presents "The Opera House" documentary at the Festival Plaza 16 https://www.fathomevents.com/events/the-opera-house?date=2018-01-17%2000:00:00.000
- Jan. 17 :: The Metropolitan Opera Presents "The Opera House" documentary at the Georgian Stadium 14 https://www.fathomevents.com/events/the-opera-house?date=2018-01-17%2000:00:00.000
- Jan. 20, 21 :: The Atlanta Symphony presents Jurassic Park In Concert http://www.atlantasymphony.org/ConcertsAndTickets/Calendar/2017-2018/Movie-Jurassic-Park
- Jan. 20 :: Ballet Memphis at the Alys Stephens Center https://www.alysstephens.org/events/ballet-memphis/
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