[UPDATED] April 30 to May 6, 2018 Live-Music Events

These are live-music events from our top-25 venues list for the Monday-to-Sunday week of Apr. 30-May 6, which is next week at the time of this post. Click here for the current week's events. I don't take the time to create links to the artists, so you'll have to click through to the event pages to see who they are and what they do. Some of the venues are pretty good about linking to the artists' websites, but most are not, so you may have to do some additional work.

I encourage venues to link to artists' content as much as possible, but I'm not going as far as criticism. As a presenter, I understand that it's hard enough keeping promotional basics current. It's significant additional work adding website links and social-media tags to promotional activities. As much as is possible for us fans, in this age of social networks, let's share and like things we want to succeed.

Highlighted in blue is the series I run at the museum. R2Duo is Robert Gibson and Rachel Nozny, music faculty at Troy who have performed skillfully and beautifully a handful of times for us. In yellow is Sundilla's presentation of folk/Americana singer-songwriter R. J. Cowdery (rjcowdery.com). I don't know her music, but the first notes of her guitar grabbed me and then her voice held me close in this video of a really terrific performance at what looks like a similar situation to Sundilla's.








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