Auburn Piano Trio will Record Wednesday (4/11) in Opelika. Free Lunch for Attendees!

This Wednesday (4/11) at noon, as part of its Community Focus spot, Troy Public Radio will record The Auburn Piano Trio* performing in Opelika's Community Cultural and Conference Center. Included in the recording is hopefully a strong and appreciative audience. In other words, The Arts Association of East Alabama, who is hosting the event, wants you to come. So much so that they are offering a free lunch to concertgoers.

You will need to make a reservation to attend, and you should do so as soon as you can. The personnel of the Auburn Piano Trio should attract a pretty good group pretty fast.

What is the Auburn Piano Trio? Well, since Eastman-trained cellist Lisa Caravan joined the Auburn faculty this fall, we now have a real-live on-site old-school violin-cello-piano trio. Lisa plays beautifully. And if you didn't know it, Howard Goldstein, Auburn Community Orchestra's esteemed Maestro, is an accomplished violinist who performs with (and assistant conducts) the Columbus Symphony Orchestra. Rounding out the group is Auburn's piano head, Dr. Jeremy Samolesky, a furious and sensitive virtuoso who always draws a crowd when he plays at the museum for our little series. They're all great players.

So click right here ==>Join Us for Free Lunch & An Auburn Piano Trio Performance<==  for more information and especially for the online invitation through which you can RSVP. You can also reserve a spot by calling 334-749-8105 or by sending a message to

*When I originally posted this, I called it the Auburn Trio without "Piano." My apologies for any confusion.


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