Rebecca Loebe (pronounced low-bee) at Sundilla Friday 2017-Sept-29

From Sundilla's website...
Rebecca Loebe (website) returns to Sundilla on Friday, September 29. Showtime at the Auburn Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 450 E Thach Ave, Auburn, AL, is 7:30; admission at the door will be $15, but $12 advance tickets are available at Spicer’s Music, Blooming Colors, and online at Employees of Auburn University and Auburn-Montgomery can pay advance prices at the door. Free coffee, tea, water and food will be available, but attendees are welcome to bring whatever food or beverage they prefer.
When Rebecca first appeared at Sundilla a few years ago, we used the line, “the phrase 'back by popular demand' is likely to become a staple when introducing Rebecca.” That turned out to be an understatement, and it’s not a line used just by Sundilla fans. From multiple appearances with Ellis Paul and Mary Chapin Carpenter, to performances in 35 states and at least four countries, to being tapped by Goose Creek Records to record and produce 3 Nights Live and Rebecca Loebe Live, her first official live concert releases, the time between Sundilla appearances has seen Rebecca Loebe be very much in demand, by everybody. And that comes as a surprise to nobody.
Rebecca is a young singer-songwriter who grew up in Atlanta and has done time in DC, Boston and New York, now making her home in Austin, TX. She is known for her distinct voice, well-crafted songs and ability to bring an audience to her journeys, introducing them to the characters she meets and observations she makes as she travels. Rebecca has toured non-stop since 2009, averaging 150-200 shows per year as a headliner and as support for The Civil Wars, Nicki Bluhm and the Gramblers, Matt the Electrician and others, including the aforementioned Ellis Paul and Mary Chapin Carpenter (worth mentioning twice!). Click here to read more about Loebe at Sundilla's website.
The Sundilla Acoustic Concert Series series provides original, acoustic music in an intimate, gracious setting where it can be enjoyed by performers and listeners alike. The mission of the series is to bring professional touring musicians from outside of the area to Auburn, Alabama, and to present them to listeners in a smoke-free listening-room environment.
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