March 26 through April 1, 2108 Music Events

Below is the crude listing of live-music events from our Top-25 list, which you can't see at the time of this posting because of a technical problem. But you can go to this link to see them on Pinboard.

In blue is what I'm involved in, so the Wolf & Clover concert at A Little Lunch Music. They're an Irish/Celtic/Folk band out of Columbus who recently released their first album and are getting some national radio air play.

Way down at the bottom In yellow is my pick for the week. The Victor Wooten Trio on Thursday night is well worth a trip to Birmingham.

There are lots of Auburn and CSU student recitals this week, but I didn't list all of them, only the ones I know something about. Here is the Auburn calendar and here is the CSU calendar so you can see what you might want to check out. I did a wedding gig with cellist Ina Petrovka-Apostolova, who's playing on the 31st at CSU, and she is great. Patty Holley sang beautifully at the museum earlier in March and she's doing that program again for her senior recital on the 27th. Another Lunch Music alum, oboist Aly Bonville who opened the double-reed program with the Schumann in February, will play on the 29th. -PMc







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