Saxophonist, Second Generation AU Student, Will Perform at the Museum 2017-Oct-26

As an on-again-off-again concert saxophonist, I'm thrilled to have booked another recital in that genre for Thursday's (10/26) installment of A Little Lunch Music, the weekly series I coordinate (if you must know) at the Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Art in Auburn. Check out the article I wrote about it linked below.

Nikolai Klotchkov is a senior at AU studying with Mike Pendowski (here's Mike's faculty page). One of the reasons Nikolai chose Auburn was that his mom, a Russian citizen, studied history here in the 90s, right about the time the U.S.S.R. was breaking up. Nikolai was actually born in Montgomery. He studied in Russia with Alexey Volkov, whom I have on good authority studied with Jean-Marie Londeix, who studied with Marcel Mule. This is solid saxo-lineage.

A Little Lunch Music, 10/26/2017: Russian Auburn Student will Perform Concert Saxophone Music

He's talented and takes a mean headshot pic as you can see. Plus, he's got a YouTube channel that showcases some audio of his playing as well as some Russian skit videos that I can't quite figure out. Below is his rendition of solo piece by Ryo Noda. He'll play a different Noda Thursday. Columbus pianist Mari Ito will collaborate.


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